Dremel Germany asked us to create a cool cosplay prop with their rotary tools, so we picked one of our personal favorites: The Majora’s Mask from The Legend of Zelda! A realistic looking mask was not enough for us though, so we also made it glow in the dark and speak! In the game she masks is cursed! Everyone who dares to put it on gets possessed and starts laughing super creepy! So, building the mask light up and add a crazy laugh sound effect would be just perfect for this project!
Do you like the idea as well? Then check out the full build on my Youtube channel! In addition, I’m talking about how to work with EVA foam and how create amazing textures with a rotary tool. Painting translucent foam is also a handy skill for light up costumes and props! Watch the video below!
And if you curious, you can even build the mask yourself! We added the Majora’s Mask pattern to our shop! The mask is a super fun project and is just perfect to get started with EVA foam crafting! In addition, it’s a really cool piece for your nerdy gaming room for example!
My main materials for the whole costume were the following:
And these were the tools I was using:
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Your hard work and dedication are truly admirable.
Thanks for sharing. I found a lot of interesting information here. A really good post, very thankful and hopeful that you will write many more posts like this one.
This article is fantastic! But now I’m wondering which would work best for the suit of armor I want to manufacture in a few of years.
I looked in all the links in the video description, but the EVA foam link was for full sheets.
Hi , I had a question on the foam thickness , would 8mm foam work the same as 10mm ?
That should still work for most things. :)
I think it is a good idea, I have thought of it but not as detailed as you
This is an excellent article! However, it makes me question even more whether one will be best for the suit of armor I want to create in a few years.
really great article and information for me, please share more, i will definitely read.
I’ve looked online for so long trying to find the 5mm half round foam dowels you mentioned in the video but the most I can find is 10mm. Could you please tell me where it came from? I looked in all the links in the video description but the eva foam link was for full sheets. Thanks so much!
Just check out cosplayshop.be or luminsworkshop.com :)
Hi Benni, How do you create the patterns in 3D? Could you please tell me?
Dear Benni, may I ask which 3d program you use to make the patterns?
thanks! Annette
Hey there! We use Blender and Adobe Illustrator for everything!