For the release of Anthem, EA asked ask to bring an iconic outfit from the game to life. I’ve chose the Freelancer Javelin Pilot as I loved the intricate details of the outfit and its layered and functional design. On top, I was also excited to create a cool blaster, the Hammerhead, and Javelin helmet with its popping colors. The goal was to use very simple tools and materials and show my community how to turn 3D models into fun EVA foam builds. The helmet was actually my favorite part of the build. We actually were provided with the original 3D files from the game, but enjoyed it much more to build it only from simple 5mm foam sheets.
Creating it completely from scratch was not easy, but a nice opportunity to level up my skills when it comes to working with Pepakura files! Since it doesn’t make sense the wear the helmet without the Javelin, I’m not able to put my head inside or even see through. However, it’s supposed to only be a prop for photos anyway and it makes my costume more recognizable, especially since you don’t often see the Freelancer in the game. You’ll find the full making-of videos of this costume below! Hope they will help and inspire you for your own projects! 🙂
Making-Of Videos: