The costume of Iden Versio from Star Wars Battlefront 2 was a commission by EA and Lucasfilm. In particular they asked me to show my followers how to create a costume like this completely from scratch and promote the game. I’ve never made a Star Wars costume before, but really loved the idea to finally check out the fanchise. I was especially excited to create the armor and the helmet.
My goal was to keep everything very simple and affordable. Therefore, I used mainly EVA foam for the armor, the Pilot helmet and the E11 blaster and heavy cotton fabric for the suit. While just buying all pieces was surely an option, I wanted to get a perfect fit and create a convincing costume without any help. Especially the Inferno Squad helmet was a huge challenge. I used a Pepakura pattern for the base, but redesigned it so it worked with EVA foam as well. Doing this was incredible difficult, but at the end this project taught me plenty of new skills and techniques. Counting all material costs, I spent around 80$ on the Iden Versio cosplay and worked for 3 weeks on it. In addition, I think I’m looking quite a lot like Princess Leia in all those photos!
You’ll find all making of videos of Iden Versio on my Youtube channel.
My Reference: