I’m a massive fan of post-apocalyptic worlds, but Fallout 4 was actually the game that got me hooked in the first place. I played it super excessively (never played the previous games for some reason) and just loved it’s style, story, characters and especially the armor and weapons. So, obviously I just had to recreate my own character, the Vault Dweller, from the game. Going with the bad-ass raider armor was an easy decision for me and of course I just had to build “The Last Minute” (a Gaus Riffle), the strongest weapon in the game to go along with my outfit. We also had to make a custom 3d printed Pip-Boy, since the one from the collectors edition was way too big for my tiny hands.
I created all of the armor with my favorite EVA foam from cosplayshop.be and together with my husband we used all kinds of techniques including laser cutting and 3D printing to create the big Gauss Rifle. Creating the costume and making it super dirty and rusty was also incredible fun! My favorite part was wearing the Vault Dweller costume and exploring an old metal junk yard to get the most perfect, post-apocalyptic photos!
Check out the video on how we made the Pip-Boy and “The Last Minute” on the Kamui Cosplay Youtube Channel! You surely enjoy also my guide on how to create EVA foam armor and props!
How to 3D print a Pip-Boy Mark IV
How to build “The Last Minute” from Fallout 4