The Purple Wizard from Diablo 3 was already my second Wizard build from the game. Just as previously, the wonderful artist Wei Wang inspired me to create a new costume. As a huge fan of his work I fell in love with his artwork and couldn’t wait to create a further costume based on his design. The floaty robe with it’s silky layers combined with elaborate armor and it’s gorgeous crown just got me!
I finished the the costume only 2 crazy weeks in 2014 just before Blizzcon. The armor was completely made with Worbla and Acrylics . Especially Worbla is a great material to get into cosplay and start crafting. In addition, it allows me to build costumes super fast and with a minimum of tools. In fact, 2014 was Benni’s and mine first year as self-employed artists and we worked non stop to pay our bills. We worked super hard and attended plenty of events, but also didn’t had much time to create costumes. Using Worbla I was able to finish a full costume in only 2 weeks though. The Purple Wizard clearly shows how fast and efficient work can look like, but I clearly prefer more chill projects these days. I’m still very proud of the project and absolutely love the final result!
Please check out my Wizard blog entry if you are curious how I made this costume!
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